Vertex bevel to smooth the corner. Control + B then Vx3
Edge bevel then Vx2 and pull
select faces and delete faces
click one edge Fx2
Add two extra cube in the mesh
Add this little detail starting from a cube as scaling the top face down to zero
add cylinder 6 faces for the rod in the middle
loop it cut and then remove one half to allow working with mirroring
J to join vertexes
table corner element from a cube and extrusion
the cube doesn’t touch the leg
Table cloth
Add a plane, loop cut in half and delete the half. Add mirror
loop cut
Add a bottle; cylinder 8 faces.
for the cap, use ALT + E to open the extrude menu and select extrude along normal so the extrusion will be flat
bottle cap from a cylinder
for a glass, make half portion of a cylinder
enable clipping during the extrude