It goes purple, that’s because we need to open an HDRI downloaded previously
Adding water effects
Enter shading mode and add new material
Transmission is the property that allows to see through the water
Select the options from the right menu bar and tick “Screen space refraction”
Then renderer tab and select “Screen space reflection”
Then add refraction
Reduce the roughness
Reduce the IOR index of refraction
Change base colour of the Material
In the renderer menu I can also turn on the trnasparent option
Flipping Normals
Click here
To flip
Quand view
ALT+ G = reset position to zero
Reference images setup
Lock image references
Reset 3D cursor = shift + S
Bridge edge loops
Proportional edges and use G to grab
Reducing the level of polygons
select the snapping tool and set it to vertex. Select a vertex and double G to pull it into another vertex
Select auto merge from the option panel in this way when two vertexes touch each other they will automatically merge together
Join vertexes: select two and J to join
Merge, select the vertexes , then right mouse click and open the menu below
Making of a plank, Knife with K, delete faces and replace with new one F (once selected edges)
Decimate polygons of a icosphere for stones
Also smooth vertexes
Then go to object mode and smooth shade
Simple deform to bend planks
Create a vertex group
CTRL + I to select the inverse group vertexes
To enable the isolation painting click that button